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Components of Cummins PT Fuel System
When it comes to Cummins generator, it is well known that the gensets have good quality, low fuel consumption, low noise, big output...
Troubleshooting Cooling System on Generator
The most important link in the maintenance chain is the diesel engine operator. His daily and weekly checks of the cooling system and...
Starting Diesel Engines in Low Temperatures
In the section about Engine Starting with Starting Aid (SMCS Code: 1000; 1090; 1456; 7000*), Diesel Engines That Are Equipped With...
Cummins Has Known Its Way Around China
China is giving a huge lift to diesel-engine maker Cummins Inc., which is one reason the Columbus-based company has seen its shares surge...
Steps to Installing a Diesel Engine
You want to put that new Diesel engine into your Ford truck and you want to save money by doing it yourself. This article will list the...
Useful Tips For Maintaining Your Fuel Injectors
Are you burning through tanks of gas faster than you used to? Finding it harder to speed up to get around the nice old lady going 35mph...
Useful Tips For Storing Diesel
The NFPA recommendation for stored diesel fuel maintenance states, "Diesel fuel has a storage life of approximately 1.5 to 2 years. Tanks...
Incorrect Ways To Maintain Diesel Engine
Since the cost of replacing the diesel engine in your pickup is about the same as buying a new car from the dealership—it’s important to...
Find a New Way To Make a Living
Everyone who loves old tractors can trace his passion back to a specific model or two from his youth. For Paul Nystuen it was a John...
Useful Tips to Diagnose Fuel Injector Problems
The creation of fuel injectors has represented a major development in automotive engineering, as these parts have been able to provide...
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